Fahrenhiet 451

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
1.Montag is a very easily influenced and changing person. Even such a seemingly insignificant person such as Clarisse had the most profound affect on him. One Second he his following the path of his society, and the next he his starting to doubt his ways after a few chats with a young girl. In the beginning of the book Montag is described in dark and gloomy tones, but at the same time is described with …

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…have the same securities, easiness, or comforts that he has experienced for his whole life until now. Montag, instead of being described in, is now realizing the darkness and chaos that everybody is consumed in. The whole book, from cover to back, is filled with changing symbols and colors that are used to represent Montag in that point in time of the book. He is never the same person at any time in the novel.