Factors that probably influenced Congress to pass the immigration act of 1924

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Before Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924, there were several restrictions for immigrants who desired a better life in the United States. "Immigrants and anyone else perceived as "un-American" seemed to threaten the old ways" (Nash pg. 749). Several Acts had been passed, one of them passed in 1882 prohibited the entry of criminal, paupers and the insane, and special agreements like the one that restricted both Chinese and Japanese immigration in 1908. Another Act was passed in 1917 …

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…want to take over our property and our country" (Document F). In other words there was no reason to let immigrants into the US since they really did not care about the country but for them selves. There were four main factors, which were used to influence Congress into passing this Act. One was to maintain political control, another had to do with US economy, thirdly was society and last but not least cultural control.