Factors that contributed to the origin and development of cities.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Introduction In many forms of settlements the status of the cities have been determined by factors and various other influences; these are known as urban form determinants. There are three different sources of determinants. Firstly, are the geographical 'natural world' determinants. These include the climate, topography and the availability of construction materials. The second are known as 'man made' determinants which are comprised of many things such as economic, political, religious, defence. Thirdly are 'location' …

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…evidence given in the above essay, the origin and development of cities was determined by 'natural world', 'man made' and 'locational' determinants. These determinants have shaped and moulded the cities that we live in today. Where the 'natural determinants have given us the origin to our civilisation and has evolved from a simple village into sophisticated urban city. The 'man made' determinants have developed and will keep on developing what we are and will become.