Factors of Rebellion in the 13 American Colonies

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Essay Database > History
In the late 1700s, tensions ran high between Britain and the 13 American colonies, which led to events such as the Boston "Massacre", and the Boston Tea Party. Britain's angry response to these events furthered the indignation of the colonials against the British, which ultimately led to the Revolutionary War in the colonies. Among the factors for rebellion the resentment of parliamentary taxation, restriction of civil liberty, British military measures, and the legacy of American religious …

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…colonies. Several factors led to the Revolutionary War such as parliamentary taxation, restriction of civil liberty as Englishmen, British military measures, and the legacy of American religious and political ideas. Perhaps the most important of all the events was the Stamp Act, which was the first act that aroused many colonists to protest. Its repeal strengthened the colonists' conviction that Parliament had no authority to levy tax on the colonies without the colonial legislature's permission.