"FOREIGN TRAVEL" - This essay tells the great use of foreign travel.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Traveling between distant places was difficult in the earlier times. It was uncomfortable and time consuming but it was the only way to get from one place to another. Foreign travel has now become easier and quicker than it was in the past. Evolving from walking to traveling by ship into an improved technology of aeroplanes. In the early 19th century traveling to a foreign destination was a long and expensive journey by sea. Since …

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…and bring it back to sell it at a profitable price. Many people who have less to think of normally travel to explore the world, discovering cultures, history, activities etc. In conclusion, foreign travel has given people knowledge about ancient cultures and expanding their minds. Although it has, it has cost dearer due to improved technology but has provided people with comfort, less time traveling and also making it easier for everyone. By Jordan Nguyen