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Essay Database > Literature > English
Fidel Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926 (some sources give 1927), on his family's sugar plantation near Biran, Oriente, Province. His father was an immigrant from Galcia, Spain. He attended good Catholic schools in Santiago de Cuba and Havana, where he took the sparten regime at a Jesuit boarding school, Colegio de Belen. In 1945 he enrolled at the University of Havana, graduating in 1950 with a law degree. In 1948, he married Mirta Diaz-Balart and divorced her in 1954. …

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…less than successful as an economic policymaker: Cuba remains a poor country in debt whose livelihood depended on sugar production and Soviet economic aid -- which was cut off after the demise of the Soviet Union. He nonetheless holds the system in place. His greatest accomplishment is the consilidation of the Communist regime in the Caribbean, so close to Cuba's main antagonist. In no small measure, the Cuban Revolution is still Castro's revolution ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**