FINAL PROJECT: A FILM ON HOMELESS WOMEN. how to create a film about homeless women. Ideas for the film. Cultural Anthropology class.

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According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, over 700,000 people in the United States are without proper shelter on any given night, and that number is steadily increasing. A lot of those people are women. New York is a great example of a city filled with homeless people. During the tragedy of 9/11 (WTC attack) New York lost nearly 80,000 jobs, and many people have turned to soup kitchens and food pantries. What can be done to …

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…much you can do if the family resources are strained already, or if an individual's problems are beyond the resources of the family. Works Cited Stack, C. (1997). All our Kin. New York: Basic Books Eliot Liebow. (1988). Tell them who I am. New York:Basic Books Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology through film (2001) Karl G. Heider. Boston: Allyn and Bacon + (various films from the book) Shahira "Nomads of the Sahara" New York Times: "Homeless people in US"