FDR vs. Hoover

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Essay Database > History
Was the Colonial Period a ?Golden Age? for Women in America? In general when one hears the words ?colony? and ?women? in the same sentence, one conjures up an image of a lowly, meek she-slave silently churning butter in the corner. Quite contrary to popular belief, it appears that women in colonial America did possess somewhat of a more important status than did their English contemporaries back home. However, anothre aopinion may argue that women, …

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…after the Mayflower hit Plymouth Rock; such was a picture from the old country, a fragment of the past gone with the wind. Woman?s role drastically changed in the colonies. All of a sudden, she was chief executor of family affairs, in charge of running the farm, while simultaneously carrying out her wifely duties at the homestead. Indeed, women had mastered both masculine and feminine roles, thereby engendering a super female: the colonial female.