FAMILY VALUES-This essay describes how family values are important, and some of the changes that evovled through the years.
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Family values have emerged into a standardized process. Within the communities, an alteration has occurred changing the accustomed ways of a family. The common way of the parents emphasized the labor force on the father, while the other parent (typically the mother) stayed at the home tending to the offspring of the parents, nearly evolving this idea into being considered old-fashioned. In the modern society, the desire for abundance of wealth has initiated, and in
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their own greed to show their children love, respect, and at the same time showing that time with their child is an important priority. The emphasis should stray away from letting someone else raise their children, so they can go make more money. Parents need to realize that their children are more important than making a few extra dollars. By staying home, there will be more of a chance to raise respectable, stable, mature children.
their own greed to show their children love, respect, and at the same time showing that time with their child is an important priority. The emphasis should stray away from letting someone else raise their children, so they can go make more money. Parents need to realize that their children are more important than making a few extra dollars. By staying home, there will be more of a chance to raise respectable, stable, mature children.