Explore the ways in which Williams presents dramatically the relationships between men and women in 'A Street Car Named Desire' as a whole.

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The two scenes in the play that best show examples of Williams's presentation of relationships between men and women are scenes three and eight. In scene three we have the huge argument between Stanley and Stella, setting up their specific relationship dynamics, and how Blanche affects those dynamics. Scene eight is a much later scene that encompasses, for the greater extent, the climactic state of the play's relationships. As Blanche's character finishes her path to …

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…action and not so much about talk. Yet Williams still manages to encapsulate the diverse ethnicity and socio-economic differences through clever dialogue. The relationships are, however, always bound for failure and pain, and Williams has constructed this through his method of contrasting. The four major characters (Blanche, Mitch, Stella, Stanley) each have relationships together that are very different and it is this contrast that allows Williams to present his relationships in such a pessimistic mode.