"Explore the ways in which Sheriff make this a dramatic and significant scene."

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
At about the mid-point in the "Journeys End" play, there is a very dramatic and tense scene between Hibbert and Stanhope. There are many factors and elements before and during the scene which could lead to such an outburst, and through this essay we will scrutinize how this is done. Just before the scene in hand, the audience and Stanhope has just discovered that two of the protagonists in the play are to have to …

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…in tones add to the significance and dramatic tension to the scene, but the main, most important thing is the characters, and their situation. Waiting everyday all day for an unknown force, tension building between every single one of them, until an incident like this happens. What other actions and happenings that went on during this time is unknown, but what we do know is that no matter what, the war was the main contributor.