Explore the Meaning of the Play's Title: "A View from the Bridge"

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There are a few interpretations of what the title could mean: an overview, a bridge between characters, Catherine's bridge between girl and woman, a bridge between two worlds (America and Italy) and Eddie's change of character. Alfieri is an outsider, his view is 'from the bridge'; he comments on Eddies' progress as a storyteller, "I could have finished the whole story that afternoon...I could see every step coming." (p50) This is what Alfieri says …

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…the threat from Rodolpho and his brother. On page 27 Eddie disagrees with Marco's offer that "If you say 'go', we go." On page 48 Eddie refuses Alfieri's idea that the only way to rid himself of the threat of Rodolpho is to report them: "Oh Jesus no, I wouldn't do nothin' like that..." On page 67 he finally rings Immigration to report his cousins, a change of attitude completely. This change is the 'bridge' in Eddie's story.