Explore and Explain the Inequality of the two poems "Two Scavengers in a Truck" and "Nothing's Changed"

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I have chosen to write about "Nothing's Changed" and "Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes". In "Nothing's Changed" the inequality is based on black and white people, and "Two Scavengers..." is about the rich and poor division. As the name suggests, Two Scavengers in a truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes is about two people in a garbage truck, and two people in a Mercedes waiting at a red …

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…are juxtaposed all through the poem, but at the end are not joined. In conclusion, both poems have a strong message in them, which could be considered a similarity or a difference; although they both have a message about division, they are completely different types of division. I believe that Nothing's Changed has a stronger message than two scavengers... because of the way it is written, but Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem still has a strong message.