Exploration of the Economic/Profitable Dimensions of Illegal Mexican Immigration for U.S. Economy

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The United States government, through its policy of discouraging immigration, has only caused further misery to the immigrants longing to cross the Mexican American border in search of work. The United States has a border patrol whose sole purpose is to stop undocumented immigration across the US/Mexican border; however, this policy has hurt both the U.S. and Mexican economies. The United States government loses economically not only in its funding of the border …

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…both economies. By creating a system of legal migration that fosters economic development for both nations, many of the problems along the border of each would dissolve. NAFTA, which offers some new hope to the misery of the Mexican/American interdependence, is not enough. It is time to reevaluate the failing migration laws and border policies in order to bring profit to both government, both peoples, and alleviate some of the misery along the border.