Explicating poem - Elegy for a Forest Clear

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Poetry Assessment In the text of his poem "Elegy for a Forest Clear - Cut by the Weyerhaeuser Company", David Wagoner develops an emotional response in the reader. This is developed with figurative language and a connotative theme. The poem gets the reader to feel sorry for the fallen forest. The few lines of the poem generate a powerful visual image as the denotation and connotation of the wording is analyzed. The text utilized much …

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…response is generated with literature in the workplace, we must be aware that our emotions may bias our viewpoints and we need to seek out collaborating evidence to support and validate our perspective. References: Wagoner, David (2000). Elegy for a Forest Clear - Cut by the Weyerhaeuser Company. In E. Adams (Ed.), Literature 320: Perspectives on Literature & Work. (p105). New York: McGraw-Hill. Webster (2004) Merriam-Webster Online. Retrieved from the World Wide Web from link- http://webster.com/