Explanation using textual examples why Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, is an anti-war novel

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Essay Database > Literature
In the novel Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut takes the chance to write about war from a disenchanted soldier's perspective and show his negative view of war. The novel essentially takes place during World War II, although it does skip around to other times during the main character's life. Vonnegut himself fought in World War II as a youth, and the war left him with lasting impressions. He wrote the novel during the Vietnam War, a controversial …

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…control over where he is going next, and the trips aren't necessarily fun. He is in a constant state of stage fright..." (23). This also shows the confusion and commotion of war. The destruction of war, as can be seen from the bombing of Dresden, and the grim atmosphere of war, as described by Billy Pilgrim additionally portray war how Vonnegut saw it and how he probably hopes not too many people will in the future.