Explanation of the Nature of the Cold War from 1945-1963, including reference to the part played by John F. Kennedy.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
On the April 25th 1945 a symbolic meeting between American and Soviet soldiers took place on the River Elbe at Torgau, Germany. Through handshakes and drinks they celebrated their common victory over Nazi Germany, but ultimately their lack of communication and misunderstandings of each other was going to be an ongoing problem into the future. History has shown us that in the past that once the common fight is over Wartime Coalitions always seem to break …

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…On the Russian side they had also failed to see how aggressive some of their foreign policies were, realize the impact of Russian newspapers predicting Class wars and how it was scaring the West, they also exaggerated the aggressiveness of capitalism and never saw how much of a threat they're huge army was to Western Europe. This was the end of several large and important battles, but it was not the end of the war.