Explains and explores the very powerful painting: GUERNICA by Pablo Picasso.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Throughout time, there have been many famous works of art in painting, sculpture, and architecture. The painting Guernica, which was created in 1937 by Pablo Picasso, is still considered today to be one of the most famous works of art throughout the twentieth century. Pablo Picasso is well known for colorful abstract paintings. His unique talent of creating a painting that may not look like real life, but has a deeper meaning, has been copied by …

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…look deeply at the painting so that he can find the inner meaning. The painting is gloomy and dark so that the viewer will connect with these suffering people. If Guernica were colorful, then would we feel the sympathy that we feel for these suffering souls? The painting is not a factual representation of the war, but instead it is an emotional representation of the Spanish Civil War, or the horrors of war in general.