Explain why voter turnout has been declining in the past half of the century and why voter turnout in presidential years is higher than that in midterm elections.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Voter Turnout in Federal Elections In the past half of the twentieth century, researchers observed a decline in the voter turnout in federal elections. It has also been observed that the voter turnout has been higher in presidential elections than in midterm elections. The main factors of the declines are the citizens' negative public attitudes and the widespread political "apathy". On the other hand, the difference between presidential and midterm election voter turnout was caused …

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…early closing dates. Today, all the limiting factors have been eliminated (poll taxes, literacy tests, etc...), but turnout in 20th century has hovered around 50% in presidential elections. There is a necessity that people understand that their vote is important, and that it makes a difference. Because we are a representative democracy, we need to put the right people in office: people who can represent us. If we do not vote, we can not accomplish this.