Explain why there were such different reactions in the USA to the country's involvement in the conflict in Vietnam in the 1960's

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The war in Vietnam came to dominate politics in USA in the 1960's because students, hippies and black people were amongst some of the people who protested about going to war. There was much different reaction from people, some supported the war all way through, some against all way and some started for the war then turned against. At the start 64% of people wanted to go to war. By the end of the 1960's Vietnam …

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…the women raped then killed. This disgusted the American citizens. The USA needed time and money to solve these problems, two things the Americans didn't have. Although many people continued to support the war people turned against after seeing pictures on televisions and in magazines. The opposition was so strong that Johnson decided not to send any more troops into Vietnam and when Nixon took over he began peace talks to settle this ongoing threat.