Explain two theories of prejudice on individuals

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Racism Racism or Racial prejudice means that a person is immediately for example disliked on the simple grounds of his/her skin colour and that the personal qualities of a black person are ignored. This racial prejudice can then lead to discrimination, which would be to treat the person in a worse manner on the grounds of his/ her colour. Conflict theorists see societies as plagued with divisions, tensions and struggles. To the theorists, it …

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…employment. The "glass ceiling" , where fewer woman are present in the lighter parts of organisations, shows there is still much to be done. REFRENCES (1) IAN ROBERTSON Sociology Third Edition P324 (2) Scottish Executive web site BIBLIOGRAPHY IAN ROBERTSON (Sociology third edition) Sociology Themes and perspectives M. HARALABOS & M.HOLBORN A New introduction to Sociology (Mike o,Donnell Second Edition Social policy college handouts Social issues for carers second edition Social welfare alive third edition