Explain the reasoning behind the references to Amenhotep III reign as being the "Golden Age" of the Egyptian Empire.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
It is believed that Amenhotep III ruled for almost 40 years during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt's history that represented one of its most prosperous and stable periods. Modern historians later dubbed this period of history the "Golden Age". However, many argue that Amenhotep III came to power at a time when Egypt was at its highest point, that the pharaohs before him were responsible for its prosperity, and little needed to be done by Amenhotep …

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…depicted as being during this "Golden Age". Some historians believe he was a noble man, while others claim he was conceited, worried more about himself than on the affairs of state. However, most agree that the reign of Amenhotep III marks the zenith of ancient Egyptian civilisation, both in terms of political power and cultural achievement. Whether or not he was directly responsible for this, or was just going along for the ride, remains undecided.