"Explain the nature of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War"

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Essay Database > History > World History
Australia's played a small but vital role in the Vietnam War to counter-act the domino theory of the 1950's and 60's. Australia's involvement led to the establishment of a strong inter-continental relationship with the United States of America, which can be seen today with the involvement in conflicts with Iraq and terrorism. Australia's involvement created political turmoil within the Australian Government but in the final decision to assist America we won our reputation as Australian …

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…it was the first time that protests took place. It was a war where Australia rightly earned its name as combat soldiers. The nature of Australia's involvement was minimal by numbers but great by difference. Our participation argued against the communist regime and the fastly enveloping Domino theory. The participation of Australia in the Vietnam was literally minimal, it had little overall cost to Australia but it secured the rights of freedom for all Australians.