Explain the meaning and significance of the realist concept of the balance of power

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Changes, which occurred at both a domestic and international level, during the 1960's and 1970's, have been attributed mostly for the rise of the pluralist school of thought, and brought the relevance of the realist paradigm into question. Events such as the easing of tensions in Europe to the student antiwar protests in America have promoted the pluralist theory. The assumptions, which the pluralists see as key to their theory, are evident in the world …

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…the original cost estimate as well as casualties was substantially higher than previously thought. The pluralist paradigm has some plausibility within the world of international relations. Realist theory appears to only incorporate a narrow perspective of international politics, when seeing states and power as the prime concepts of international relations, whilst ignoring other influences. With realism the dominant paradigm of international relations, it would be appropriate to rethink international relations along a more pluralistic line.