Explain and evaluate Sartre's claim that emotion "is a transformation of the world... "

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Sartre claims that the world around us somehow transforms when we enter into an emotional state of being. We will try to explain what the conditions are for such a transformation to take place, how exactly Sartre thinks such transformations are possible and why it is so crucial for us as conscious beings that they do. Magic in Sartre's philosophy is not meant to mean some sort of illusionary act normally performed by magicians; he …

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…very lightly or not at all dependent. Of course Sartre may disagree. Bibliography: - McCulloch, G. 1994. Using Sartre, chapters 1, 2 & 8. London : Routledge - Sartre, Jean Paul. 1905- Sketch for a theory of the emotions. Translated by Philip Mairet. London: Methuen. 1962. - Sartre, Jean Paul, 1905- The transcendence of the ego. Translated by Forrest Williams and Robert Kirkpatrick. New York: Hill and Wang. 1997. - Currie, G. Recreative minds: imagination in philosophy and psychology. 2002. Oxford University Press.