Experimental design testing antibacterial soap.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Introduction: Bacteria are single celled prokaryotic organisms, that lack organelles and circular DNA. They are much smaller and less complex than eukaryotic cells. They are classified mainly but appearance and how they group together. The main shapes of bacteria are rod-shaped which are called bacillus, spherical called coccus, rigid helical called spirillus, and flexible helical called spirochete. They are found most everywhere, in the human body made of 70 trillion cells there are 700 trillion bacteria. Most …

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…time to wash the experimental hand to allow for more bacteria to be loosened and rinsed away. We could also use the same hand to prepare the result and the experiment. We would just use two fingers of the hand for the control and wash the other two for the experiment. If every class member conducted the experiment we would have a greater population and our results would have a greater chance to be accurate.