Experimental Protein Extraction and Separation
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Pages: 12
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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Proteins are the macromolecules that are responsible for most of the bodily functions. By investigating an individual protein, one can be able to understand the functions and structure of an organism. Before this can be done, protein has to be separated from cell components. Using the methods of centrifugation and gel electrophoresis, not only a protein can be separated from cellular components but also from other proteins. An experiment was designed to separate protein
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John F. Stobaugh, Todd D. Williams, David G. Vandervalde. 1993. "Separation and Analysis of Peptide and Proteins." Analytical Chemistry. 65: 78R. 6. Farrell, Shawn C., Lynn E. Farrell. 1995. "A Fast and Inexpensive Western Blot Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory." J. Of Chemical Education. 72: 740-741. 7. Brand, Jerry J., Neil Brown. 1998. Laboratory Excursion in Cell and Molecular Biology. University of Texas at Austin. Pg. 90-107, 189-227. 8. Edited: Creighton, T. E. Protein Function: A Practical Approach. Oxford University Press. Pg. 131-151.
John F. Stobaugh, Todd D. Williams, David G. Vandervalde. 1993. "Separation and Analysis of Peptide and Proteins." Analytical Chemistry. 65: 78R. 6. Farrell, Shawn C., Lynn E. Farrell. 1995. "A Fast and Inexpensive Western Blot Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory." J. Of Chemical Education. 72: 740-741. 7. Brand, Jerry J., Neil Brown. 1998. Laboratory Excursion in Cell and Molecular Biology. University of Texas at Austin. Pg. 90-107, 189-227. 8. Edited: Creighton, T. E. Protein Function: A Practical Approach. Oxford University Press. Pg. 131-151.