Experiences of Refugees/Immigrants

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Essay Database > History
The fall of Saigon in April 1975 is considered to be the most unforgettable period for the Vietnamese people. The lost of properties, families, and, most importantly, the feelings of hopelessness and not having enough freedom are the reasons that compelled many Vietnamese to seek for new opportunity in another foreign country, which is to immigrate to the United States. Many might have felt that they had betrayed their country by immigrating to another foreign country, …

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…to overcome any obstacles in order to get the freedom that they have dreamt of. That great amount of intrepidity is the reason why the will to find freedom is truly the most dominant theme of all. Internet Resources: Griffin, Kevin. "Vietnamese." Discover Vancouver. 2004. OnRes Systems and 6s Marketing. Oct. 2004. http://www.discovervancouver.com/GVB/vancouver-vietnamese.asp "Vietnam online." Pbs.org. 1983,1997. WGBH Educational Foundation. Oct. 2004. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/vietnam/reflect/index.html