Exemplification Essay on ways to relieve stress.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Exemplification Are you stressed out? Well, you are not alone. We all experience stress and have different ways of dealing with it. Many of us use physical activities such as sports, athletics, or exercise to cop with stress. Others seek recreational activities such as going to the movies, to dinner, concerts, or other forms of entertainment. If you have tried any of these examples and are still stressed out, then I have the perfect thing …

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…joke. Look for the funny side in a situation. Hang out with happy people. Put on a happy face. Use humor instead of anger! And most importantly laugh at your self from time to time. If you try any of these ten tips that I have offered you, and for some reason they don't work, then I recommend that you find some sort of medication for your stress problems. Professional help may also be necessary.