Exemplification Essay detailed description about trip to grnadma's house with family/ family reunion and relate to feelings

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Exemplification Essay Every year my dad's side of the family gathers for a family reunion at my god-mother's house. My god-mothers house located far out in the warm, dry, deserted neighborhood in dusty Lemon Grove, where my family anticipates the grand event about to be rekindled once again, but I wasn't looking forward towards the event. With my family and friends about to be reunited with each other, each family member is trying not to …

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…talent and what she can do in the kitchen. Next year for our family reunion, I won't be so negative and just be delighted about the reunion and all the great food that will be served to me. I will have a better attitude and not making it a "have to" than a "want to" and take advantage of every enjoyable moment at the reunion as a family and make the best out of it.