Executions as a theme throughout A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Executions In Charles Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities, death is a common occurrence. These deaths were usually not due to natural causes but caused by suicide, murder, and sometimes execution . Throughout A Tale of Two Cities, death by execution was an embodiment f the period, beginning with hostile, torturous executions that happened often, to quicker and les painful ones that occurred 100 times more often than life was given. In the first chapter of …

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…blood and gore into the minds of his readers, it was to show a contrast of the times and embody the personality of the times through death. In the end, nature continues killing the helpless, war continues killing the courageous, and execution continues killing the innocent in a cycle that never ends. In the past there was the Guillotine, in the present there is the injection and only time will tell what the future holds.