Examples of Efficient Use of Music in Film.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
In Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now," a band of soldiers take their helicopters over a small Vietnamese village, and the blaring tones of Wagner's musical piece "Ride of the Valkyries" comes on. In short, Coppola's objective was to associate Wagner's connection with the Nazis and America's unjust involvement in the Vietnam War. Wagner was truly one of the great composers, but his ties and support of the Nazis truly stained his career as we look …

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…he had partially trained. He is not killed and is separated from the village for several months However, in a beautiful scene at the end, Algren returns to the village, and he and Taka see each other once again. In this scene as Algren is traveling home, Dvorak's "Symphony from a New World" would be extremely fitting, as it conveys the themes of home, belonging, and love with its melancholy, yet slightly joyful, soft horn.