Examine the ways in which Walker uses the symbolism of sewing in "The Color Purple" to reflect Celie's spiritual and emotional development.

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Essay Database > History > European History
A major symbol that reoccurs throughout the novel 'The Color Purple' is the practice of sewing. This activity is one that several of the characters participate in, and for Celie it represents a way of channelling her energy and anger. It also allows her to bond with other females, creating strong relationships and giving her a sense of freedom and independence from the male dominance that has clouded a large section of her life. The …

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…creative form of control that presents her with power over something whereas previously she has always been inferior - this practice acts as an outlet for Celie's frustration and progresses onto a level that intrudes on male supremacy (the pants). By breaking traditional male stereotypes she has become the epitome of what the pants embody - an icon of strength with authority over her own future, allowing her the control she has always been denied.