Examine the various strategies used by the nationalist organizations to achieve their aims and the corresponding colonial responses in the period 1900-1940. (essay outline)

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Intro: As most nationalist organizations aim to drive out their colonial masters and achieve independence, various strategies have been used to fulfill their aims. 1)<Tab/>With its ability to provide a common link between different people, religion has been used as a platform for several organizations to advance their political agenda a) Indonesia - Sarekat Dagang Islam (anti-Chinese) (1911) *<Tab/>Its focus was to develop and improve the …

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…to embarrass the colonial regime *<Tab/>Previously subverted the colonial government and later extended their power to other areas *<Tab/>Used nationalism to unite various bodies in Vietnamese politics and communism to obtain support from urban-educated Colonial response: Communist leaders were captured and ICP eventually outlawed. Conclusion: Though some strategies were more successful than others, these methods did help in the nationalist movements to achieve their aims.