Examine the presentation of Aziz and Fielding in part I of "A Passage to India"

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One of the main themes Forster is concerned with in this novel is friendship, and the presentation of the relationship between Aziz and Fielding is the main way he explores this. This friendship is the corner stone to much of what happens, and it is clear he sees this cross-racial relationship as the way forward - in Part I it seems that if there is any hope in the novel it will come through them. …

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…Fielding still does not imagine the two of them ever being particularly close "I shall never really be intimate with this fellow, nor with anyone" which is actually rather a sad sentiment, as at this stage in the novel their friendship seems quite promising. One of the themes of the novel is the contrast between the stereotypical chilly Englishman and the warm, friendly Indians; and this is enforced throughout any dialogue between Aziz and Fielding.