Examine the different views of love presented in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and discuss for their inclusion.

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Examine the different views of love presented in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and discuss for their inclusion. The tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's great plays it is one of his most popular. The play looks at different types of love. Romeo and Juliet are often seen as a romance play, it also looks at physical love, spiritual love, plutonic love and the love of family. When the audience first meets …

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…family hatred. The prince sums it up when he says, "See what a scourge is laid upon your hate." As the audience we see the redeeming power of love, which has an enormous effect on our lives today. Shakespeare has written a great play, which is still vital in that it deals with love, hate, prejudice and violence. The feelings shown in this play still exists today and we can learn from Romeo and Juliet.