Examin the daily lives of the inhabitants of Deir el-Medina and assess the extent to which religion was a dominant force in their lives.

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Essay Database > History
The ancient Egyptian village of Deir el Medina was discovered and excavated over a long period of time to finally reveal one of the richest sources of archaeological and written evidence regarding the New Kingdom in Egypt. It was a special community of craftsmanship; the highly skilled villagers working together in harmony to produce artistic architectural wonders. Located against the desert cliffs and enclosed within a wall, the village was divided by two parallel streets …

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…believed that the gods were interested in his/her well-being if they managed to please them was a reassurance to them and further motivation/encouragement to live a life in accordance with their beliefs. The gods were more than just overpowering forces ready to strike the unsuspecting innocent victim, the villagers incorporated their religion into every aspect of their lives (even love life) indicating they felt they had a special, personal connection with the deities.