Evolution of the Automobile

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
"In the first hundred years of active life, it has been described as a menace ands a blessing, a blight and a godsend, as a savior of our countryside and cities, and as their curse, as socially divisive and the greatest social leveler. It has been worshipped and reviled, celebrated and scorned." The automobile is an invention that has had a tremendous impact on society. The automobile has taken diverse segments of the American population; …

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…Our Lives, New York: Dodd, Mead and co., 1967. 5) Hendry, P.G. Vintage and Veteran Cars, New York: Arco Publishing Company, Inc,1974 6) Ludvigsen, Karl & Wise, David The Encyclopedia of the American Automobile Secaucus,, NJ: Chartwell Books, Inc., 1977. 7) Pettifer, Julian & Turner, Nigel Automania, Great Britain: Little, Brown & Company, 1984. 8) Sedgewick, James Early Cars London: Octopus Publishing, 1962. 9) The World Book Encyclopedia, Chicago: World Book, Inc., 1997 *Picture of Model T Ford from Vintage and Veteran Cars by P.G. Hendry.