Evolution of Civil War Weapons
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Pages: 5
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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > History
Evolution of Civil War Weapons
The American Civil War brought many changes, especially in weaponry. On the battle field, officers sought to improve warfare strategies. At home, politicians attempted to reshape the political view of the war. Finally, in the industries, engineers worked to improve the performance and cost of the weapons they wished to sell to their respective government. Weapon changes occurred in two basic areas: firearms (also known as small arms, which are …
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…of smoothbore muskets, paper cartridges, and troops marching in military precision across the battlefield towards the enemy. Yet, more innovation and experimentation occurred during the Civil War then during all previous wars combined. The Civil War era inventors and their inventions changed the face of war forever. Many of the basic principles developed or theorized during this era are still present today, thus, the Civil War weaponry evolution was truly the beginning of modern-day warfare.
…of smoothbore muskets, paper cartridges, and troops marching in military precision across the battlefield towards the enemy. Yet, more innovation and experimentation occurred during the Civil War then during all previous wars combined. The Civil War era inventors and their inventions changed the face of war forever. Many of the basic principles developed or theorized during this era are still present today, thus, the Civil War weaponry evolution was truly the beginning of modern-day warfare.