Evil's Triumph In Literature- Provides an interpretation of the quote "In literature, evil often triumphs, but never conquers."

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Essay Database > Literature
An anonymous author wrote, "In literature, evil often triumphs, but never conquers." Any good story needs a conflict, and throughout history, the most basic literary struggle has been between forces of good and evil. Ultimate victory for the forces of good becomes that much more effective when it has had to overcome smaller victories for the opposing, evil forces. Evil may win the battle from time to time, but good will always win the war. …

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…on the news, in our lives, and in literature, we know that things don't always turn out that way. Authors of great novels have a way of reminding us about things we sometimes forget, or that we'd like to forget. Thanks to Dickens and Orwell, we remember that it's often difficult to separate right from wrong, and that sometimes evil is stronger, and realize that it will take that much more good to conquer it.