Everything you could ever need to know about the United Kingdom.

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In between the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea, off the coast of the northwestern coast of Europe, there is a landmass, called the United Kingdom. On top of this country about the size of Colorado, are many citizens, ethnicities, important people, lifestyles, a climate, cooking routines, a governing rule, and an economy. Back in "September 1620, a group of pilgrims sailed from England on the Mayflower. They traveled to America in search of religious freedom" (Time …

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…handled the attack in 2001. Bush explained that Blair is an associate ally to the United States and a friend to himself. It is visible to see that the United Kingdom is a very productive small country, with diverse people, and remarkable terrain. The United Kingdoms many accomplishments will continue to affect the world in many positive ways, and will stand side by side with the United States, making the world a better and safer place.