Everything about ... Micronations!

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
One of the most interesting and amazing places in the world is the whole group of the micronations. Sometimes they are also called cybernations, fantasy nations or model countries. In fact, to distinguish them from the imaginary countries, eco-villages, tribes, sects or campuses, there have been established some specific features, which perfectly describe what the micronations are: 1. Micronations often assert that they wish to be widely recognized as sovereign countries. Frankly, they are not so …

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…hauled down, and the atoll was later annexed by Tonga, known in Tongan as Teleki Tonga and Teleki Tokelau. Tonga's claim was recognized by the South Pacific Forum in September 1972. Meanwhile, Provisional President Davis was fired by founder Michael Oliver and the project collapsed in confusion. <Tab/>In November of 2005, Fiji lodged a complaint with the International Seabed Authority concerning territorial claim over Minerva. Both Tonga and Minerva have lodged counterclaims.