"Everything Rises Must Converge" by Emily Dickinson.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Historically, literature has presented its readers with a dominant male gender and has produced an inferior female. "Everything that Rises Must Converge", by Flannery O'Connor is a perfect example of literature that exhibits the values and characteristics of the traditional woman. It exposes the common stereotypes associated with women and identifies with the tribulations of a struggling female in a setting where prejudices ran rampant. Its main character portrays every woman's desperate struggle to succeed …

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…ose lifestyle was very similar to her own. The characters of Flannery O'Connor's short story are very consistent with those of a conventional society. She illustrates the exclusion of women from a male dominated society and shows them in their traditional role. The women portrayed are interdependent individuals who are often simple-minded. They give way to a dominant male who is characterized in an opposite manner and is morally correct with an acquired secular knowledge.