Everyday there is a new event that effects someplace in the world. In my opinion, there are five pressing issues that are currently facing the international community.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Everyday there is a new event that effects someplace in the world. Sometimes the event only effects the area where it takes place. Other times the event effects the surrounding area as well. Occasionally, the event effects the entire international community. In my opinion, there are five pressing issues that are currently facing the international community. These issues include the violence between Israel and Palestine, the war in Iraq, North Korea's nuclear threat, high gas …

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…all the people of the world. Overpopulation leads to poverty, hunger, disease and the depletion of natural resources. In conclusion, the five most pressing issues facing the international community are the violence between Israel and Palestine, the war in Iraq, North Korea's nuclear threat, high gas prices and overpopulation. Although there are many different negative things happening in the world at all times, these five issues effect the most people and have the worst consequences.