"Everyday Use" written by Alice Walker

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The story of Maggie Johnson in Alice Walker's Everyday Use is a story about a young girl who has many challenges in life. It is a story about poverty and stereotypes that often affect many young girls in similar situations. Maggie is a survivor who through the love of her mother is able to rise above these negative attitudes and begin to appreciate herself and her gifts. Maggie Johnson is a young, shy African American …

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…has experienced. She truly understands her heritage. Her mother's love seems to give Maggie the strength she needs to enjoy her life and be thankful for the things around her. Maggie's character in Alice Walker's Everyday Use challenges each of us to look deeper into the lives of everyone around us. Her quiet ways are a source of strength that gives each of us an opportunity to see life in a simple and kinder w