"Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Like many stories, Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" contains opening and closing segments which are in sharp contrast to each other. The different styles in which the first and last portions of the story represent the significant changes experienced by Maggie and her mother. These changes, brought on by a brief visit from Maggie's older, and more worldly sister, Dee. The opening scene in "Everyday Use" presents a vivid picture of Maggie and her mother's yard. …

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…actions: "Maggie just sat there on my bed with her mouth open."(94). After Dee's exit from the scene a sudden and new mood is set. Now Maggie is describe as smiling. The mother describes the smile as "...a real smile, not scared."(95) This is in sharp contrast to the timid and sheepish girl in the opening scene. Next the two women sit and "enjoy" there time outside in the yard, where the story first began.