Events of the 1980's

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Events of the 1980's The 1980's started of hope and optimism to a vision of a reborn America. After two decades of troubles, assassinations, urban riots, the agony of Vietnam and the disgrace of Watergate the nation was ready to move ahead. Here was the oldest man ever to serve as president, Ronald Reagan was in his 70'a yet this boyish grin and rugged good looks still projected the youthful vigor of his days in …

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…down in November 1989. Berliners once divided by the 28-mile wall rejoiced as they used picks and chisels on the concrete and bared-wire barriers. The 1980's were a period of rejoice and disgrace. Many politicians and companies have learned hard lessons and a country became one again. Something everyone can all learn from the 1980's is to learn from other people's mistakes. References Time Life Book Editors, (1999). Pride & Prosperity: The 80's. Virginia: Time Life, Inc..