Events of 1968

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Essay Database > History
During the year 1968, there were many new ideas, and events that have effected the history of the U.S. and even the world in big ways. For instance the Tet Offensive, RFK (Robert Kennedy) is assassinated, and the Democratic National Convention riots. I feel that 1968 was the most turbulent year politically of the twentieth century. On June third, a woman shot Andy Warhol, the famous painter by a woman named of Valerie Solanis who was …

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…hundred Spanish, Jewish and other officials heard the proclamation at the opening of a Madrid synagogue-the first built in Spain in 600 years. (Chronicle Of The 20th Century p.994) In Conclusion I found that the year 1968 was a very turbulent year. People were just starting to ask the question "why?", a question that was rarely asked before. With that came riots, protesting, and freedom. Without the protesting then, we might not be where we are today.