Evects of Civil War

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Essay Database > History
Effects Of the Civil War The Civil War left many Southern towns in ruins. War had devoured farms, farmland, factories, and many roads. These damages ruled out two-thirds of southern shipping. Not only was land destroyed, generations of young healthy men-fathers, brothers, and husbands had perished. Most survivors were left permanently scared in mind or body. Black southerners had received food and shelter as slaves before the Civil War, but after slavery was abolished, some …

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…greatly by using women and children to run the machines. By the age of six, many children were already working fourteen hours a day in factories. These kids had no free time to do anything else and earned low wages. Some got sick and died because of the toxic fumes, while others were severely injured and sometimes killed working at the dangerous machines in factories. Obviously, the Industrial Revolution had both good and bad sides.