Evaluation of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

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Essay Database > History > North American History
To me, Sir Wilfrid Laurier was a great Prime Minister. He had never taken any sides and had always come up with a great solution to big problems. In my essay, I will be explaining my thoughts and opinions to why Mr. Laurier was a great Prime Minister. A great thing Laurier did was that he brought up the immigration system. By doing that, he had made Canada a multicultural country. He had also made …

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…had got Canada off to a reasonably good start and had brought more people to come into Canada. He had brought the immigration system to Canada allowing more people to come to Canada and build the economy system. He had settled a tough decision during the War of South Africa and had the first fleet of the Canadian navy assembled. These are the three things that had made Canada a great country to be in.